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The term "citizen science" has a number of origins,, and different concepts.[13] "citizen" can also be used broadly, meaning "citizen of the world" or the general public, but not the legal term citizen of sovereign countries. It was first independently laid down from within the 1990s by rick bonney in america and alan irvine in the united kingdom. Alan irwin, a british sociologist, defines citizen science as “the development of the concepts of scientific citizenship that brings to the fore the need to open up science and the processes of science policy to the public” [13]. Irwin sought to restore two aspects of the relationship between private individuals and science: 1) science must respond to the complexities and needs of people, and two) so that citizens themselves can produce reliable scientific knowledge.[16] american ornithologist rick bonney, unaware of irwin's vacancies, defined citizen science as tasks where non-scientists, on the list of amateur ornithologists, voluntarily contribute scientific data. This describes a more limited role for humans in scientific research than irwin's concept of the term. [17][18] "citizen science" is defined as "scientific work carried out by members of a large audience, often in partnership with or under the direction of advanced scientists and academic institutions."[18] "citizen scientist" is defined as: (a) "a scientist whose work is characterized by a sense of responsibility for serving the interests of the wider community (now rare)"; or (b) “a member of a large audience engaged in the field of scientific work, often in work with or under the direction of advanced scientists and scientific institutions; amateur scientist.”[18] the first use of the term "citizen scientist" can be found in the new scientist magazine above on ufology, october 1979. Wilson center with the title "civic learning and politics: a european perspective", an alternative first use of the term "civil science" by r. Kerson in the mit technology review magazine for the first month of 1989. [20] [7] quoted from the wilson center report: "a new the form of admission to science is called "civil science". The first recorded use of the word was in 1989, describing how 225 volunteers in the united states of america collected rain samples to help the audubon society in an acid rain awareness campaign. Eu, which included a definition of citizen science belonging to "the involvement of a large audience in research activities in which people actively contribute to science either with their intellectual efforts, or with surrounding knowledge, or with their hammer and saw and resources. Participants provide experimental data and toys for researchers.” , Raise new questions, and co-create a new science culture.”[21][22]

Citizen science can be done by individuals, groups or networks of volunteers. Citizen scientists often work with specialist scientists to advance common goals. Large volunteer internets occasionally allow scientists to accomplish goals that would be prohibitively expensive or time-consuming to achieve by other methods.[23] .[24 ][25][26] these projects are designed for formal school environments or informal educational environments such as museums.

Citizen science has evolved over the past four decades. Recent projects focus on evidence-based methods and measurable public education goals.[27] modern citizen science differs from many historical forms in the beginning by the denouement, and by the subsequent scale of public participation; technology remains the first major factor in the recent explosion of civic interest.[23]

In march 2015 others through citizen science and crowdsourcing.”[28] quote: “civic learning and crowdsourcing projects are powerful tools for equipping students with the skills they need to achieve a level in science, technology, engineering, and arithmetic (stem). Volunteers in citizen science, for example, gain extensive experience doing real science, and in higher education in many situations this learning goes beyond the traditional classroom.”[28] the national academies of science cite scistarter as a people resource that offers quick access to more than 2,700 citizen science projects and events, and helps stakeholders regain access to tools that make it easier to be on projects.[29]

in may 2016, the citizen science association, in collaboration with the ubiquity press, launched a new open access journal called citizen science: theory and experience (cs:t you are an ordinary citizen, but you are engaged in science. You are our employee. You are actively participating in the scientific process by participating in it. "They are not just passively running something on their computer and hoping that they will be the first to find aliens. We find."[44]

Civil politics can be another outcome of citizen science initiatives. Bethany brookshire (alias scicurious) writes: “if citizens are going to live with the benefits or potential consequences of science (as the vast majority of them will), it is incredibly important to make sure they are not only well informed about the changes and advances in science and technology, but they are also ... Capable of ... Influencing science policy decisions that can affect their lives." Eric kennedy highlights emerging links between citizen science, citizen science, and participatory technology assessment.[46]

Benefits and limitations[edit]

Involving the general public in science projects has become a means of encouraging curiosity and a better understanding of science, while providing unprecedented interaction between professional scientists and the general public. In a research report published by the us national park service in 2008, brett amy thelen and rachel k.Tiet mentions the following concerns previously reported in the literature regarding the validity of data collected by volunteers:[47][48]

- Some projects may not be suitable for volunteers, for example when they use complex research methods or require a large amount of (often repetitive) work.[47]- if volunteers lack proper training in research and monitoring protocols, the data they collect can introduce bias into the dataset.[47] the issue of data accuracy, in particular, remains open.[49] john losey, founder of the lost ladybug citizen science project, has argued that the cost-effectiveness of citizen science data can outweigh data quality issues if managed properly.[50]

December 2016 authors m. Kosmala, a. Wiggins, a. Swanson, and b. Simmons published a study titled "assessing data quality in citizen science" in frontiers in ecology and the environment.[51] the abstract describes how environmental and environmental citizen science projects have a huge potential for science advancement. Citizen science projects can influence policy and guide resource management by creating datasets that are otherwise impossible to create.[51] the “in a nutshell” section (p. 3) outlines four condensed conclusions. These are:[51]

1. Datasets created by volunteer scientists can be of reliably high quality, comparable to datasets created by professionals.2. The accuracy of individual volunteers varies depending on the complexity of the task and the experience of the volunteer. There are several methods to improve the accuracy to the required level for a given project.3. Most of the types of errors found in cs datasets are also found in professionally prepared datasets and can be accounted for using existing statistical tools.4. Reviewers of cs projects should pay attention to iterative project design, standardization and compliance of volunteer protocols and data analysis, metadata collection, and accuracy assessment. The success of the project they are counting on will be in raising awareness of data quality. They also concluded that citizen science will become a common tool to help “gather otherwise unavailable high-quality data to support policy and resource management, conservation monitoring, and basic science.”[51]

Exploring sets canadian lepidoptera data, published in 2018, compared using a professionally curated dataset of butterfly specimen records with four years of data from the ebutterfly citizen science program. The ebutterfly dataset was used because it was determined to be of high quality due to the peer review process used in situ, and there already existed a dataset covering the same geographic area consisting of data samples, most of which were institutional. The authors note that in this case, the citizen science data provide both new and additional information to the sample data. Five new species were reported based on citizen science data, and geographic distribution information was improved for over 80% of the species in the combined dataset when citizen science data were included.

Several recent studies began to investigate the accuracy of citizen science projects and how to predict accuracy based on variables such as the experience of practitioners. One example is a 2021 study by edgar santos-fernandez and kerry mengersen of the british ecological society who used a case study that used the latest r and stan programming software to propose accuracy ratings for species identification performed by citizen scientists at the national serengeti park. , Tanzania. This gave an idea of the possible problems with such processes, which involve "discriminating ability and guessing". Researchers have determined that methods of evaluating citizen scientists themselves based on skill and experience levels can make it easier to analyze their research.[54]

Research that is easy to do is what excels at citizen science, especially in the field of conservation biology and ecology. For example, in 2019 sumner et al. Compared data on the distribution of vespids collected by citizen scientists with a 4-decade long-term data set established by bwars. They organized a study of large wasps from august 26 to september 10, 2017, inviting citizen scientists to capture the wasps and send them to experts for identification, where the data was recorded. The results of this study showed that more than 2,000 citizen scientists participated in the data collection campaign, identifying more than 6,600 wasps.This experiment provides compelling evidence that citizen science can generate potentially high quality data, comparable to expert data collection, in a shorter time frame. While the experiment was originally meant to test the power of citizen science, the team also learned more about vespidae biology and species distribution in the united kingdom. Through this research, a simple procedure has enabled the successful implementation of citizen science. J. Kohn's study suggests that volunteers can be trained to use equipment and process data, especially given that a significant proportion of citizen scientists are people who are already well versed in the field of science.[56]

The demographics of citizen science project participants are overwhelmingly white, upper-middle-income, college-educated adults.[57] other volunteer groups include conservationists, outdoor enthusiasts, and amateur scientists. Thus, citizen scientists tend to be people with a prior understanding of the scientific method and how to conduct reasonable and fair scientific analysis.


Various studies have been published on the ethics of citizen science, including issues such as intellectual property and project development (e.G. [13][12][58][59][60]) the citizen science association (csa), based the cornell laboratory of ornithology and the european citizen science association (ecsa), based at the museum of nature in berlin, have working groups on ethics and principles.[61][62]
In september 2015, ecsa published its the ten principles of citizen science, which were developed by the ecsa working group "exchange of best practices and capacity building", led by the natural history museum in london, with the participation of many members of the association. [63][64]

1. Citizen science projects actively involve citizens in scientific activities that generate new knowledge or understanding. Citizens can act as participants, collaborators or project leaders and play a significant role in the project.2. Citizen science projects have a genuine scientific result. For example, answering a research question or informing about environmental protection measures, management decisions or environmental policy.3. Participation benefits both professional scientists and citizen scientists. Benefits may include the publication of research results, learning opportunities, personal enjoyment, social benefits, the satisfaction of participating in scientific evidence, for example. To solve local, national and international problems and thus be able to influence policy.4. Citizen scientists can, if they so choose, participate in several stages of the scientific process. This may include research question development, method development, data collection and analysis, and reporting of results.5. Citizen scientists receive feedback from the project. For example, how their data is being used and what are the results of research, policy or society.6. Citizen science is considered an exploratory approach like any other, with limitations and biases that need to be considered and controlled. However, unlike traditional research approaches, citizen science provides opportunities for greater public participation and the democratization of science.7. The data and metadata of the citizen science project are published in the public domain and, where possible, the results are published in the public domain format. Sharing may take place during or after the project if security or confidentiality considerations do not prevent it.8. Citizen scientists have been honored with project results and publications.9. Citizen science programs are judged on their scientific output, data quality, participant experience, and broader public or political influence.10.The medical ethics of internet crowdsourcing has been questioned by graber however, no one knew the answer due to insufficient data. Dr. Ling-ji chen, a researcher at the informatics institute of academia sinica, launched the airbox project. His original idea is inspired by the popular taiwanese slogan "save the environment yourself". As an expert in a collaborative sensor system, he decided to use this bottom-up approach to collect pm2.5 level data and through open data and data analysis to better understand the possible source of air pollution. In this ecosystem, a huge amount of data has been collected from the airbox device. The data was immediately released online to inform people about the pm2.5 level so that they can take appropriate action, such as wearing a mask or staying at home, to prevent direct exploration of the polluted environment. The data can also be analyzed to understand possible sources of pollution and provide recommendations for improvement. To be precise, there are four main stages in this project. I) develop the airbox device. Developing a device that could properly collect pm2.5 data was time consuming. It took more than three years to develop an airbox that could be easily used, but with high accuracy and low cost. Ii) wide installation of airbox. In the beginning, very few people were willing to install it in their homes due to health concerns, power consumption and maintenance concerns, so airboxes were only installed in a relatively small area. Thanks to the help of the taiwanese lass (location aware sensing system) community, airbox has appeared in all parts of taiwan. As of february 2017, over 1,600 air boxes have been installed in over 27 countries. Iii) open source and data analysis. All measurement results have been published and visualized in real time to the public through various media. The data can be analyzed to trace pollution sources. Cherry blossom is probably the world's longest running citizen science project. .[285] one of the most influential citizen science projects also came out of japan: safecast. Created after the fukushima nuclear disaster, safecast is an open citizen environmental science company that manufactures open hardware sensors for mapping radiation and air pollution. Representing this data through a global open data network and maps[286]europe[edit]

The english naturalist charles darwin sciences in europe (see history). A century later, teenagers in italy in the 1980s experienced citizen science by working on urban energy use and air pollution. The role that scientific experience can play in bringing the public closer to science and creating more scientifically active citizens by enabling people to contribute to scientific development.[14] since then, the citizen science green paper was published in 2013 and european commission policy directives have included citizen science as one of the five strategic areas with funding allocated to support initiatives under the science with and for society (swafs) horizon 2020 program .[21][22] this includes important awards such as the eu citizen science project, which creates a hub for knowledge sharing, coordination and action.[288] the european citizen science association (ecsa) was established in 2014 to encourage the growth of citizen science in europe, increasing public participation in scientific processes, mainly by initiating and supporting citizen science projects and conducting research. Ecsa has over 250 individual members and organizations from over 30 countries in the european union and beyond.

Examples of european-based citizen science organizations and associations include biosphere expeditions (ireland), [ 289] bürger schaffen wissen (germany),[290] citizen science lab at leiden university (netherlands),[291] ibercivis (see external links), österreich forscht (austria).[292] other organizations can be found here: eu citizen science[293]

In 2023, the european union citizen science prize[294] was established. The award, presented through ars electronica, aims to recognize, represent and support “outstanding projects whose social and political impact contributes to the further development of a pluralistic, inclusive and sustainable society in europe.”[294]

Latin america [edit]

- In 2015, the ashaninka people from apivce, who cross the border between brazil and peru, started using the sapelli android app to monitor their land. The ashaninka “historically faced disease, exploitation and displacement, and today they still face illegal encroachment on their land by loggers and hunters. Use smartphones and technology tools to track these illegal activities more effectively.”[295]- in argentina, two android apps for smartphones are available for citizen science. I) appear was developed at the institute of limnology and launched in may 2016[296] joaquin cochero is a researcher who developed "an app that encourages mobile device users to collaborate in collecting data to study aquatic ecosystems" (translation).[296] cochero stated: “there is not much civilian science in argentina, only a few others focused on specific cases of astronomy. Because ours is the first. And i have volunteers from different parts of the country who are interested in coming together to centralize data. Because such things require the active and voluntary participation of many people” (translation) [296]. Ii) ebird was launched in 2013 and has identified 965 bird species to date.[297] ebird in argentina is "developed and operated by the cornell lab of ornithology at cornell university, one of the most important ornithological institutions in the world, and recently introduced locally with the support of the nation's ministry of science, technology and manufacturing innovation (mincyt)" (translated).[297]- projects in brazil include: i) the missions platform and mobile app was developed by ibm in their research lab in sao paulo in collaboration with the brazilian ministry of environment and innovation (bmei). [298] sergio borger, head of the ibm são paulo group, developed the crowdsourcing approach when bmei approached the company in 2010. They were looking for a way to create a central repository for rainforest data.[298] users can upload photos of plant species and their components, enter their characteristics (such as color and size), compare them with catalog photos, and classify them. Classification results are evaluated by crowdsourcing ratings.[298] ii) exoss citizen science is a member of astronomers without borders and is committed to exploring the southern sky for new meteors and radiants.[299] users can report meteor fireballs by uploading images to a web page or posting a link to youtube.[299]jaguar in the pantanal; brazilian biodiversity case study

Iii) the brazilian biodiversity information system (sibbr) was launched in 2014 “to encourage and facilitate the publication, integration, access and use of biodiversity information in the country”. [300] their initial goal “was to collect 2.5 million occurrence records from biological collections in brazil and abroad by the end of 2016. Sibbr is now expected to reach nine million records in 2016." Andrea portela said: “in 2016 we will start with citizen science. These are tools that allow anyone without any technical knowledge to participate. Thanks to this, we will achieve closer interaction with society. People will be able to interact more with the platform, contribute and comment on what brazil has to offer.” And concerns about pollution and overexploitation of natural resources.[301] started as a manta ray observation project, it is now expanding to whale sharks and educating schools and divers in the santos area. His social media activities include livestreaming a citizen science course to help divers identify marine megafauna.V) center for research of agricultural landscapes. Leibniz (zalf) developed the plantix smartphone app to help brazilian farmers identify crop diseases faster and help them manage them more effectively.[302] brazil is a very large exporter of agricultural products, but 10 to 30% of the crop is lost due to disease.[302] “currently, the database includes 175 common crop diseases and pests, as well as 40,000 photographs. The application's identification algorithm improves with each image, which captures a success rate of over 90% out of approximately 500 photos per culture disease. ] Vi) attempts are being made to map the genetic richness of the soil in the atlantic ocean forest region of brazil.[303] the mud cure initiative, based at rockefeller university, aims to identify bacteria that produce new types of antibiotics. The brazilian region is particularly rich in potentially beneficial bacterial genes.[303] approximately a quarter of the 185 soil samples were taken by citizen scientists, without whom the project could not have worked.[303]- in chile, citizen science projects include (some websites in spanish): from the life science foundation.[304] ii) monitoring of the chilean bumblebee population[305]. Iii) monitoring of the invasive ladybug chinita arlequin[306]. Iv) rainwater data collection[307]. V) monitoring of various pollinating fly populations[308]. Vi) provision of information and field data on the abundance and distribution of different sea bass species[309]. Vii) research on plastic waste pollution.[310]- projects in colombia include (some websites in spanish): i) a humboldt institute communication project has been launched with the education and environment organization. Projects in the wetlands of bogota in córdoba and el burro, which are highly biodiverse. Ii) in the risaralda model forest, the colombian project "proyecto de ciencia abierta y colaborativa" promotes citizen participation in research related to how the local environment is adapting to climate change. The first meeting took place in the otun kimbaya flora and fauna reserve.[313] iii) citizen network environmental monitoring (cluster), based in the city of bucaramanga, aims to engage younger students in data science who are trained to build weather stations with open repositories based on free software and open hardware data.[314] iv) the biodiversity symposium adapted the cs inaturalist tool for use in colombia.[315] v) sinchi the amazonian research institute seeks to encourage the development and dissemination of knowledge, values and technologies for natural resource management for ethnic groups in the amazon. This study should promote the use of collaborative action schemes and encourage participating communities. America." Pbi is "participating in an ambitious project with our latin american environmental partners to map all the wildlands in south america, assess their contribution to global biodiversity, and share and disseminate this information." [317] - in mexico, a citizen science project monitored rainfall data that is related to the hydrological payments for ecosystem services project.[195]conferences[edit]

First participation conference public science research was conducted in portland, oregon in august 2012.[318] citizen science is now often the subject of major conferences such as the annual meeting of the american geophysical union, citizen cyberscience center in geneva and university college london.[320] summit 2014 was held in london and brought together more than 300 participants.[320]

In november 2015, eth zürich and the university of zurich held an international meeting on "challenges and opportunities in citizen science". “[321]

The first citizen science conference hosted by the citizen science association was held in san jose, california in february 2015 in partnership with the aaas conference.[322] the citizen science association conference, citsci 2017, was held in saint paul, minnesota, usa from may 17-20, 2017. More than 600 people took part in the conference. The next citsci conference took place in march 2019 in raleigh, north carolina.[323]

Since 2015, the annual austrian citizen science conference has been hosted on the österreich forscht platform.[325]

National and regional portals[edit]

Science portalpublic portalindependent scientist - financially independent scientistindependent scientist - individual involved in academic and intellectual workpages with brief descriptions of referral targetslist of citizen science projectslist of crowdsourcing projectslist of volunteer computing projectsopen science - public researchinformation open source - data collected from public sources for use in an intelligence context.Open source lab (book) - book by joshua pierce. Pages displaying wikidata descriptions as a fallback.Outsider art - art produced outside the boundaries of official culture by those not trained in the art (produced by artists who are not institutionalized, just like citizen scientists)public participation (decision-making) - the degree to which society encourages people to participate in organizational decision-making audiencespublic participation is the involvement of people in the activities of any organization or projectscientific instrument is a device or tool used for scientific purposesvirtual volunteering is volunteering done at least partially through the internetlinks [edit]

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